Frist Lays Out a Game Plan for Iran

I completely agree that something must be done to reign in Ahmadinejad and the ruling theocrats in Iran because, and perhaps most frighteningly, they appear to be a group with which no one can reason. I also agree that time is of the essence.
Fortunately for us, Frist's plan is the first I have read that makes any kind of sense. Although he does flirt with the notion of military action, he ultimately pushes for alternatives. I feel this is wise because military action in Iran would only serve to rally the Irani citizens around its crooked rulers. Let the Iran-Iraq war be the example there, in which millions of Iranis who were unhappy with their government rallied to support it so as to assist the greater national cause. Similarly, attacking Iran now would only give the government the tools it needs to gain the kind of national support from their citizens that was seen in the 80's, and nobody wants that.
Currently, the Irani people are expressing desire for freedom and discontent with their government's leadership. As such, an international push for sanctions just may be the most effective tool the world can bring to bear on an Irani administration that has already been highly scrutinized. One thing is for sure: I will be paying close attention to the response to Frist's plan.
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