Merry 'Effin Christmas to You, Too!

As religions go, I can say that I'm not a big fan in general. In this day and age it's difficult to see how religions do much more than start wars, divide people and create political fodder for the masses (some of which I am about to dispense).
In spite of all this, I still identify myself as a recovering Catholic (it's a daily process). And while more and more I fight the growing urge to say "Screw it," and jump on the Festivus bandwagon, I still have the same inclination to celebrate Christmas.
In that way, I guess I'm not unlike most Christians I know: While we have strayed from the daily teachings of our respective childhood denominations, we cling to that which matters most: Our traditions. And, boy, is Christmas the crown jewel of them all.
I guess that's why I find it so ironic that someone like myself, who is more interested in the holiday than the religion behind it, is actually angry at the liberal left who are trying to take our holiday away.
What I want to know is: Since when did the word "Christmas" become vulgar? When did expressing MY holiday mean that I must be excluding YOUR holiday? And locally, I know it's old news, but it hasn't stopped pissing me off: What's this BS about calling the State Christmas Tree a "Holiday Tree?" Oh, because someone somewhere said that calling it a "Holiday Tree" is less offensive to people. That's crap. I didn't know that calling it a Christmas Tree was offensive.
The most ironic aspect to all of this is that I thought liberals were supposed to be about acceptance of differences and the appreciation of other cultures and religions, yadda, yadda. If this is the case, then why is MY holiday being attacked? Why is it, I ask, that I'm supposed to apologize for saying, "Merry Christmas," instead of "Happy Holidays." Last I checked, most people who celebrate Christmas are doing just that, celebrating Christmas. Nowhere in any Christmas celebration manual I've read does that celebration include persecuting the beliefs of others. Yet, when I express my holiday it's being made out to be the equivalent of saying, "Heil, Hitler!" Unbelievable.
I think it's all a bunch of crap. Jessica McBride does, too, except she does so a bit more eloquently. Check out her post of a letter to Doyle from 46 legislators urging our dear Governor to change back the name of the "Holiday Tree." You go, sistah.
And while we're at it, I'd just like to state for the record:
Nobody messes with da Jesus!!

Thanks for your comments, Fitzi. I've actually had to stop myself from laughing at the realization that the people who really are "Putting Christ back into Christmas" are actually the ones who are trying to shut it down!
I told you about that pic. Pretty good, huh?
"... til it goes 'click, click.'
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