Friday, January 27, 2006

Get A Hobby

Well, the Atheists, Commies and Liberals Union (ACLU) has decided to speak out against the Ohio Department of Public Safety's anti-terrorist campaign.

The campaign, called, "See Something, Say Something," encourages residents to report suspicious behavior.

Jeff Gamso, Legal Director of the ACLU of Ohio, had this to say, "Many people who vacation in Ohio videotape government buildings while they are sight-seeing. Calling that behavior suspicious and encouraging people to report will do nothing to prevent another terrorist attack and will only lead to innocent people coming under government scrutiny."

Riiiiiiggghhhtt. I don't know about you, but I certainly plan on taking a vacation to Ohio to videotape government buildings. Yeah, just after I get back from Utah videotaping famous bars.

And heaven forbid an innocent person come under government scrutiny. I'd much rather ignore any suspicious behavior so as not to offend anyone. And then, if a bomb does end up going off somewhere, I can sleep soundly at night knowing that I had no right to question the suspicious behavior of a person I had to assume was innocent.

Give me a break.


At 2:00 PM, January 31, 2006, Blogger Babylonandon said...

Given that the only place worth visiting in Ohio is in Sundusky and the only thing to photograph there are some really outstanding roller coasters, anyone videoing anything, anywhere else in the state is to be at least slightly suspect.

On the other hand, it is Ohio. Is there anything there we would miss if we lost it?


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