Thursday, January 26, 2006

Middle East Observation

What's happening in Palestine rings a familiar mideastern bell. It wasn't that long ago in Iran that a corrupt government was overthrown, and one that made big promises to the people was put in its place.

The Shah's government was one with which the US happily conducted business. Conversely, since the inception of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the US has dealt only sanctions to Iran.

Likewise, it had seemed that progress was being made in Palestine, and the US had been lending millions by way of aid to the country. With Hamas now in charge of the government Bush is already stating that aid may discontinue and that our government will not deal with terrorists.

Years later, we see in Iran a country that begs to return to the time of its corrupt government. The theocracy and strict laws that have been put on the people seem too much to bear for its citizens.

...Personally, I have less faith in the leadership qualities of Hamas than I do of the Islamic Republic. Only time will tell for the Palestinians what fate they have chosen for themselves.


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