Brian Fraley hates suffragists!
Or at least he thinks they're dirty hippies.
The bigger point of his post is calling out lefties concerned about Scott Walker's proposal to open up Milwaukee parks to some commercial businesses. One such person is some guy named Seth who likens it to the commercialization of New York's parks:
The effect is that the number of places in New York City to meet publicly for
political purposes or to challenge social norms has severely decreased since
Central Park was privatized.
(note to Brian: provide links to the quote you're citing...or at least indicate where you got it.)
The park I frequent most often is Lake Park. Arguably one of the county's most beautiful parks, it was also designed by Frederick Olmstead, the same landscape architect who designed Central Park. It also happens to be one of the parks currently housing a commercial venture with Bartolotta's Lake Park Bistro. Areas of the park aren't restricted because of the commercialization. Green spaces are wide open. In fact, it seems the need for permits to have a picnic and drink beer and ordinances requiring that dogs be on leashes are far more restrictive than anything the presence of a restaurant may cause.
The truth is that parks, at least in Milwaukee, don't seem to be the demonstration grounds Seth believes they may be. I would guess that Seth, and those like him, are more anti-business than they are pro-park.
Ultimately I like Walker's proposal to explore any possibilities to keep the parks open that don't involve raising taxes. He certainly isn't insinuating that we pave over the green spaces or entirely privatize the grounds. Rather it's a realistic approach to insuring the parks' survival.
And if I can get my triple venti mocha topped off while I'm there, so be it.
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