Spice Boys think college instructors should work for free
Spivak and Bice do a hell of a hatchet job on a Jessica McBride blog post defending the UW system overall against allegations made against the UW administration. In doing so, it seems they're implying that college instructors shouldn't be paid.
Big words from two guys that write one column. I've always wondered how they write their pieces. Does Cary pace back and forth around the room dictating while Dan pokes and prods at the keyboard? Do they take turns with each paragraph? Is it like some crazy Mad Lib?
McBride has every right to defend an organization she's a part of. And it would seem that at the same time she has no problem recognizing its shortcomings.
Could the Spiceblog do the same?
Okay, I see Cary on the couch and Dan pacing while Sally types and complains about Herman Glimscher.
Alright Grumps. You lost me there. Sally? Herman Glimscher?
C'mon...let me in on the joke. I can be slow sometimes.
I've seen them in action in the newsroom. They actually do dual interviews. Where they are both on the phone. Scary guys.
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