Monday, March 13, 2006

Harris Kane Makes a Grand Re-Entry

Upon seeing that Xoff is gracing us without his presence for a few days in the Cheddarsphere, I decided to welcome back the infamous Harris Kane.

I did so by posting in the comment section of one of his posts:

Hey Harris,

Welcome back! So, what should we hope for this time? More tasteful musings about the bedrooms of conservatives? More name calling and baseless, accusatory attacks?

I can't wait!

You'd think Xoff would have learned his lesson the first time.

Looking forward to the mess you make while Bill's gone!

1:04 PM

Harris had this to say in response:

Funny, it seems to me it is the right that has taken to firmly implanting itself into people's bedrooms.

1. attacking a women's freedom to make her own health care decisions.

2. big governemnt deciding who can marry who.

3. spying on Americans.

Do tell me is this the sort of "baseless and accusatory attacks" your speaking of?

It's ironic that you stand up for the McBucher bedroom but turn a blind eye to sticking your nose in everyone else's.

2:58 PM

How incredibly perfect! Those of you who read my blog know that I have spent the last two weeks writing about the recent ruling in South Dakota, and that I am against it.

You also may have seen my recent post in which I state that I am in favor of gay marriage.

This is just too funny. What an ass. His best defense against the vile comments he made about Jessica McBride are to bring up gay marriage? How about an apology???

My most recent comment to Mr. Kane:

Hey Harris,

Obviously you're not a frequent reader of my blog. That's alright I won't fault you for that.

What I will fault you for is your ignorance. If you took the time to investigate the person you are attacking (me, in this case) you'd see that my blog currently has a debate going on in which I am against the recent ruling in South Dakota and in favor of gay marriage.

Get a clue.

So, actually, you just proved my point. A baseless and accusatory attack on me! Fantastic! I knew you wouldn't disappoint!

I'll keep you all posted on any more developments. Too easy, drill sergeant!


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