Monday, March 13, 2006

Kane Watch II: The Harris Kane Debacle

Since it's tradition here at Ask Me Later to keep an eye on the Kane's of the world, I think you'll find it no surprise that Harris Kane has recently entered our radar.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I can't wait 'till Xoff comes back. Who exactly, this Harris Kane guy is, I have no idea. What I do know is he likes to fly off the handle with often vile, uninvestigated claims and general nonsense.

To be sure, tonight Harris writes:

Looks like Feingold has done more than just get under Rick Graber's skin. Over at Daily Kos, which gets over a half million hits a day, our "Junior Senator," as Cheney called him today, has really stired up the netroots with his call for accountabilty of W's illegal domestic spying on innocent American's.

Feingold's post has recieved over 400 comments and an open thread has gone over 400 as well.

What do you think matters more, what the self-proclaimed "champion of the blogosphere" Sykes says on his blog or what real people are saying on Kos.

Charlie, how many hits do you get a day? Do tell.

Before attempting a slam on the undisclosed number of readers at Mr. Sykes' blog, Mr. Kane may have
first enlighted himself a little by reading the article Charlie cites. Yes, friends, this article, from the Associated Press, which details Sen. Feingold's embarassing display.

Check out Sykes' take on the AP article here.

I may be taking a wild guess here, but I would bet that AP articles get way, way more "hits" (sic) than the Daily Kos. Like, totally, dude.

(Hits is an internet metric that refers to the number requests made to a server for a file, like any image that is loaded on to a screen, and in no way reveals the number of readers or page views a particular site may have. It is a term most often used by the ignorant.)

Good call, Harris. Still think Charlie was off when he wrote that the Dems are not supporting Feingold?


At 11:22 AM, March 14, 2006, Blogger Sean Hackbarth said...

There's also that little detail that Sykes has never proclaimed himself "champion of the blogosphere." It was the Badger Blog Alliance who did that. Never let details get in the way of flinging false accusations.

At 7:25 PM, March 14, 2006, Blogger Chris said...

which is why you just stop going to Xoff 's site when he is gone I can barely stand him the fill ins are well like replacement player games the NFL had back in the 80's unwatchable


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