Anti-WHAT sentiments "on the rise"??
In the wake of all the recent MSM claims that anti-Islamic sentiments are on the rise in the United States, I felt compelled to point out that it is easier to find incidences of anti-American sentiments in the United States than it is to find anti-Islamic.
In fact, a Yahoo search of "anti-Islamic" yields more findings for "Islamic anti-Semitic" materials than it does for the intended search. And most of those findings appear on the official news sites of major Arabic countries.
So, MSM, where are all these anti-Islamic sentiments? I'm curious. I'm not saying they don't exist. I'm just wondering from where the idea that they are "on the rise" has emerged.
The idea arose from their deluded little minds. It fits the story line they want to shape. Doesn't matter that it's a kennard. They'll run with it as long as they can give it legs.
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