Picture = 1000 Words
Not only does this picture from The Capital Times not do any favors for illegal immigrants hoping to become legal (unless, of course, they're attempting to build support among self-loathing Americans), but the associated caption entirely mis-characterizes the debate.

The national flag of Mexico and a upside down American flag in protest the US handling of immigrants.
I thought that what we were discussing were the problems associated with illegal immigrants. I know, I know, if our immigration laws were less strict, we'd have fewer problems with illegal immigrants.
Much in the same way that if we didn't have speeding laws, we wouldn't have speeders.
[h/t Brian Fraley]
Nate, if you read my previous post, you'll see that I advocate creating "crippling" fines for businesses employing illegal immigrants. As much as people want to accuse those of having anti-illegal immigrant views of ignoring businesses that employ them, it would seem that our arguments are most often met by people focusing entirely on the businesses and ignoring those who entered the country illegally in the first place.
They're both at fault.
And I'm not sure how creating a guest worker program would create more illegal aliens. I would think, by defenition, that guest workers would be here legally and as guests, and therefore could be neither "illegal" or "immigrants." Of course, should they overstay their visa (or whatever guest workers would have), they would then become illegal. Either way, the program may not be the most palatable, but it seems to me a happy medium between not doing anything and simply kicking everyone out.
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