Be Right. Be Drinking. Be Cool.

But I'm sure very, very, very few of you are aware that you can publicize such an event by having your very own Drinking Right gear!
That's right! Drinking Right is now not only something you can do, but something you can wear! And you don't just have to wear it! You can drink out of it, put your mouse on it, or even dress your toddler in it!
Now you won't be able to get your Drinking Right accessories before this coming Tuesday, but it's a whole month before the next one, and withdrawal can be a real pain. So why not drape yourself in the finest t-shirts, hoodies and trucker caps around?
You know you want to. I just know it. I do. I really, really do!
So stop on over at the Ask Me Later/cafepress store and pick up your Drinking Right adornements.
It's sure to be the coolest thing since Kangaroo shoes!
Casper, my friend, you never cease to amaze me.
What, no thongs? Or are you saving them for your write-in campaign?
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