Late Night Reading
What, should we apologize for putting those buildings in the way of the airplanes?
-From Anno Domini
What, should we apologize for putting those buildings in the way of the airplanes?
Much like Christmas Eve, Day Without Illegal Immigrants Eve is full of anticipation over what the next day holds.
Gorgath the Hellish and his Minions of the Ninth Realm will be pleased by this offering in honor of his Grand Scheme of Conquest over the weak and unwilling.
He's said that people who want to be citizens should learn English, and to say that is not to say that they shouldn't also speak Spanish, just that wanting to be a part of the country should include wanting to be able to interact with the people here who do speak English. And he's saying that people who want to be citizens should want to learn to sing the anthem along with the rest of us, as we've sung it since it was written, in English. That doesn't mean you can't also sing it in Spanish.
When I think of sex offenders, or, more specifically, child sex offenders, I'm pretty much disgusted by the concept. So I have no problem with implanting them with GPS systems to track their movement. Of course, I'd much rather lock 'em up and throw away the key, never again to see the light of day.
Or fading.
The 2006-07 MPS budget proposal has an interesting paradox.
Using $3 million in federal funds to add 20 school nurses, four psychologists and four social workers to MPS.
The total number of teacher positions would decline from 6,193 to 6,055...
The US soldiers were sent to the desert for 122 days and they sat in the same tent and did nothing, except a little too much masturbating.
I've been meaning to all those people who think it's "too soon" for a film about September 11, what did you have to say about Michael Moore's Farenheit 9/11? I don't remember there being any outcry about timing there.
Watching United 93 last night was a lot different than I thought it would be. It was different in a good way, though, and I stick to my pre-conceived idea that everyone should see this film.
Here's an idea: How about American citizens, either by birth or legal immigration, all pick a day we don't show up for work?
When I was in college, I threw a huge party in my tiny little apartment. After all was said and done, and boy-oh-boy was I done, I climbed into bed with my girlfriend and promptly passed out.
I'll be hitting the 9:50 screening of United 93 tonight. I'll be back to post my thoughts and feelings later. All the reviews I've seen have been stellar.
I wonder if the Spice Boys realize just how silly this post is.
Mandy Jenkins did. She commented on my snarky post regarding the title of her Journal Sentinel hosted blog, Seen and Heard. That let me follow the link to her Blogger profile which contained links to two other blogs she has.
In a matter of days, Ask Me Later will have it's 400th post.
To this post and this post.
It's essentially what we all do with our blogs.
So Mr. Kane thinks that a reasonable comparison can be made between the sentencing (or lack thereof) in the Kane beating and the tire slashing incidents. While I do realize it's typically out of the norm for Gene to apply reason to most of his writing, he has clearly dropped the ball on this one.
(Memo to clueless squawkers: Black folks can call each other the N-word without-Eugene Kane
taking it as an insult or slur. It's a black thing; you wouldn't understand.)
It's a good thing we'll always have politicians, because scientists have figured out a way to eliminate another type of blowhard.
-Dennis York, responding to comments made on this post.
Looks like our old friend Gene is having a good time bashing Republicans, blacks, black Republicans, the cops and Milwaukee talk radio. Good for you, Gene. Work it. One point really struck me as odd, though. More so than normal, that is:
The fight against illegal immigration has gone too far this time.
From Charlie Sykes CNI column, via Sykes Writes:
Last year BuySeasons hired 218 central city residents and expected to hire even more after the relocation.
This was big news because Milwaukee has one of the worst African-American unemployment rates in the country.
While I haven't eaten there since high school, I just may have to make a trip to the nearest Applebee's in support of the recent firings of three employees who ditched work to attend a rally.
I advocate a large degree of economic and personal freedom. My neighbors include folks like Ayn Rand, Jesse Ventura, Milton Friedman, and Drew Carey, and may refer to themselves as "classical liberals," "libertarians," "market liberals," "old whigs," "objectivists," "propertarians," "agorists," or "anarcho-capitalist."
And so I would like to introduce to all of you saucies what Ramon will be wearing when he is out at the beach this summer!
Ah yes, to be young, idealistic and full of misdirection again. College students are just so damn cute with their big ideas, blind confidence and supposed wisdom. That said, the recent attacks on Michelle Malkin by students of UC Santa Cruz are, albeit vile, almost adorable in their naivete.
As Iran moves closer to a nuclear weapon and the United States stands before yet another major decision, the National Review Online has published an article that I feel concisely and accurately describes the situation.
Yet another rapper goes down while mingling with the lifestyle so often glorified in rap music. Biggie, Tupac, the list goes on. This newest story is only really surprising in the spin that the MSM has placed on it.
Jay Bullock points out what must pass for "investigative" reporting at MJS these days.
Hennings/Parker bodies discovered? hits big.
Leave it to good ol' Gene Kane to once again misrepresent a story. In this bog post, Kane says:'s pretty certain that some blacks think more immigration will take away jobs from African-Americans.
Are Undocumented Immigrants Taking Jobs from Blacks?
I hope this doesn't become a divisive issue between blacks and Latinos who just want equal opportunity to make a better life for themselves.
But it does have the potential of being a source of contention between the country's two largest minority groups.
Has anyone noticed that Alderman McGee seems to have a lot of problems revolving around DVDs?
He [McGee] claimed the behavior reached its zenith March 31, when a planned meeting to return a DVD McGee lent her ended up with Rucker reaching into the vehicle where McGee sat and clawing his face.
...McGee was arrested in Wauwatosa after he yelled at some Blockbuster employees, who had called police to report a suspicious car in their lot at closing time. McGee said he was meeting a friend - not Rucker - to whom he'd planned to give a DVD on non-violence...
Tonight I hit the "Next Blog" button on the Blogger header and was treated to something just great. could you not enjoy monkeys?
Wanna know something?
News flash: the First Amendment protects the right to speak. It does not protect a theoretical right to speak without consequences.
If you want to come to America, you’ve got to live by our rules. (I know that seems hard to believe because Voces contends everybody should be able to come live here regardless of the rules.) If you don’t come to work when y0u’re supposed to you can be fired.
Now that I have our one liberal reader's attention, I'd like to extend to him or her an invitation.
[People are] saying it's terrible, evil, unfair, awful, racist. And that's just what the politicians are saying as they side with the masses.
At one point during the bloggers' conference, I leaned over to my buddy Jules and wondered aloud who the hot blonde in front of us was. Considering Ask Me Later is the only blog he reads, I shouldn't have been surprised that he didn't know.
Not surprising that with Lynn Swan running for governor, Eugene Kane isn't changing his tune.
Not only does this picture from The Capital Times not do any favors for illegal immigrants hoping to become legal (unless, of course, they're attempting to build support among self-loathing Americans), but the associated caption entirely mis-characterizes the debate.
Imagine a man breaking into your house. Of all the other homes on the street, he picked yours because it was easy to get inside. While you're away at work, he raids your cupboards, pockets cash from your nightstand, helps himself to a sampling of the drugs in your medicine cabinet and falls asleep on your couch watching Judge Judy.
While checking out the blog of those crazy folks at The Morning Spin, I came across a post containing this email. Priceless. (H/t Dan)
The counter girl took my $4.00 and I pulled 8 cents from my pocket and
gave it to her. She stood there, holding the nickel and 3 pennies.
While looking at the screen on her register, I sensed her discomfort
and tried to tell her to just give me two quarters, but she hailed the
manager for help. While he tried to explain the transaction to her, she
stood there and cried.
Why do I tell you this? Because of the evolution in teaching math
since the 1950s:
Teaching Math In 1950
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production
is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit?
Teaching Math In 1960
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production
is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit?
Teaching Math In 1970
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production
is $80. Did he make a profit?
Teaching Math In 1980
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production
is $80 and his profit is $20 Your assignment: Underline the number 20.
Teaching Math In 1990
A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is selfish and
inconsiderate and cares nothing for the habitat of animals or the
preservation of our woodlands. He does this so he can make a profit of
$20. What do you think of this way of making a living? Topic for class
participation after answering the question: How did the birds and
squirrels feel as the logger cut down their homes? (There are no wrong
Teaching Math In 2005
Un ranchero vende una carretera de madera para $100. El cuesto de la
produccion era $80. Cuantos tortillas se puede comprar?
An absolutely amazing transformation that pertains to National Security has taken place across many European countries. Yep, it seems those countries don't want to get blown up.
Way to go Fred. I wouldn't exactly call this a news flash, but it's nice to see the credit go to the person who did the work.
News you just can't resist sharing from the solar system's least respected planet.
In the wake of all the recent MSM claims that anti-Islamic sentiments are on the rise in the United States, I felt compelled to point out that it is easier to find incidences of anti-American sentiments in the United States than it is to find anti-Islamic.
What's worse than a man bitching and moaning about the "objectification of women" blah, blah, blah?
I just returned from the Brewers home opener. I had a great time. I love baseball, and it was a pleasure to spend the day at the ball park. I mean, I watched baseball, today! How great is that? It was also nice to see the Brewers churn out a win.
So The Simpsons is set to become a major motion picture.
If you're familiar with Ask Me Later, you know that for that last several months we tried to maintain a regular feature known as the Kane Watch. With it we hoped to track the writings of Journal Sentinel columnist Eugene Kane. Unfortunately, we received a letter, via snail-mail of all things, from Journal Sentinel Communications indicating that by hosting a regular column focused on a JSC employee's writings, we were in potential violation of copyright laws and should cease and desist immediately.